Sunday, November 29, 2020

C&S Tales: retrieving rail in 1948

I came across a February 1991 Rocky Mountain Rail Report where Irv August told the story of a trip he took with two friends to the west portal of Alpine Tunnel to retrieve a piece of rail to help in the promotion of M.C. Poor's DSP&P book.  It seemed a fun idea to make a little "audiobook" of the story and include related photos (some from August's trip, some from elsewhere).  I don't claim any skill at voice work, but it was fun nonetheless.  Here is the video. 

As a fun addition, I took a video of C&S 9 under steam in 2006 and edited it over a few photos at the Alpine Tunnel station complex at the beginning and end of the video.  It's hardly professionally done, but I enjoyed seeing what it might have been like to have a video camera at work back at the beginning of the twentieth century




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