Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Heroic Tale of Billy Westall, South Park engineer

Billy Westall, a South Park engineer, gave his life to save the passengers on his eastbound train in Platte Canyon. He stayed at his post as it hit a slide in Platte Canyon on August 28, 1898, saving every life on the train. The monument to his sacrifice still stands in the canyon. 

Tommy Allen shares Westall's story in the video below. Allen enjoys sharing historical tales through his podcasts and videos entitled "Stories from the Midland." I was quite impressed at his effective storytelling and this video is a good introduction to his other work.



Related content:
Read about early restoration work to the monument in 1962.
Learn of vandalism to the Westall Monument in 1964.
Watch a video following the C&S roadbed today ending at the site of the monument.
Read a summary of the Billy Westall's sacrifice, the creation of the monument, and a move to restore it in the 1990s, 100 years after the accident.

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