Sunday, August 11, 2024

Alpine Tunnel Palisade Wall Repair Status 7-2024

Justin Kerns shared news on the repair work being done to the big Palisade Wall a few miles west of Alpine Tunnel. He posted the text and photos below over on the Narrow Gauge Discussion Forum and graciously gave me permission to repost it here.

Justin wrote:

An update on the progress at the Palisade Wall. Work commenced on 6/18/2024 and is going smoothly so far (Progress is estimated at 50% complete as of July 24, 2024). The hope is that it will be completed this season before weather shuts things down. For this summer FR839 below the wall is closed as is Williams Pass so there is no way to drive between Hancock and Pitkin. This is necessary during construction for safety reasons. 

Someone on the forum asked, "I'm curious if the historic blocks are being retrieved and replaced or are these new blocks for the new work?" 

Justin responded: There weren't actually too many stones missing. The old capstones fell over 100 years ago so those were made new in the same quarry area used for the original wall. As many of the stones that were swept down in 2016 as could be recovered reasonably were also re-used with some being newly cut. So it's a mix of original and new but all from the same granite area just up the road a bit. They are also repairing a few other smaller walls as needed along the grade.

Here are some photos of the progress:

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