Sunday, June 16, 2024

What is going on in Central City??

I knew some track had been laid up at the old tourist railroad boarding site, but I was unprepared for all that I found there on a recent visit. I made the video below to show all that is on the once-deserted property.

Online searching and a little asking-around haven't produced any substantial information. Does this project have any more "steam" in it, or is what I found just the remains of an aborted attempt at a tourist railroad resurrection. If you know something, please share...

The little background that seems available:

Here is an informational poster for a meeting five years ago regarding the project. It is also includes documents detailing the projects goals and plans.

Here is some info from 2019. This news article gives more detail about the vision.

Here is a post from 2021 when track laying started/happened.

The group's website still exists, but has not been updated for several years.

1 comment:

Junior is not my favorite place. said...

Here is something new. And they're trying to do something.