Monday, November 5, 2018

The Last Mason Bogie

Many of us who love the Denver, South Park & Pacific have enjoyed the photos of the 23 DSP&P Mason Bogies.  Sadly, all have been lost to the scrapper.  I was surprised to find on a recent school field trip with our kids that there is actually one remaining Mason Bogie left in the world...and it's in operation!


Unknown said...

Very nice video! One question - I thought 57 was displayed at Iowa State University and not the University of Iowa. I'm not 100% sure but it would be worth verifying.

Justin Kerns

Denver said...

Hi Justin, I checked into it and you are indeed correct. The website that I was using for info when making the video said University of Iowa, but when I went back to an article written by Mac Poor, he stated that it was at Iowa State University. Poor surely is the correct one. Thanks for bringing it up. I'll eventually make a note of it in the description section of the video.