Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Como Depot: from Destitute to Dedication

Back in 2004 my wife and visited the Como Depot and found this:

Who would ever have guessed that a little over a decade later, we would find this:

This August 2015 the Como Depot was formally dedicated.  It is now an active museum of the Denver, South Park & Pacific railroad and its presence in Como, Colorado.  This is truly a miracle of teamwork and commitment.  I can't wait to return someday to see it in person!

For more photos of the dedication see this link at the Denver, South Park & Pacific Historical Society page.

1 comment:

  1. The link is to the annual convention page, which overlapped the depot dedication. There are a lot more photos and details about the depot restoration and dedication on the DSP&P Historical Society site at Como Depot and Depot Dedication pages.
